
Century Arms CA-3, Semi-automatic Rifle, 762NATO, 18″ Threaded Barrel, Battle Worn Finish, Black with Olive Drab Green Polymer Furniture, Birdcage Style Flash Hider, Adjustable Front with Rotary Aperture Rear Sight, 20 Rounds, 1 Magazine RI5601-X

Colt’s Manufacturing CR6920-EPR (Enhanced Patrol Rifle), Semi-automatic Rifle, AR, 223REM/556NATO, 16.1″ Barrel, Threaded 1/2X28, Anodized Finish, Black, Polymer Grip and Stock, 30 Round, 1 Magazine CR6920-EPR

Daisy P51 Slingshot, Wrist Support, Includes Sling Shot, Replacement Band, 75CT-3/8″ Steel Ammo, and 250CT-1/4″ Steel Ammo 988153-442

